Oct 22 - Heroes of Adventure version 1.0 release

Version 1 Release

Hey everyone, I'm pleased to say release day is finally here and you can now download version 1.0 of the three Heroes of Adventure core rulebooks from the following link.


These are all free to download in .pdf format and have all been released under a creative commons licence for people to hack, tweak, amend, update and release their own content for the system if they wish.

A highlight of changes from the last playtest release (version 0.5)

  • Version 1 released (i.e. it's 'good enough' and I just want to get over the finish line now)
  • Monsters Compendium core rulebook created to create 3 core rulebooks
  • Art and presentation upgraded
  • Various minor updates, tweaks and amendments to text and some rules
  • Hyperlinks added to contents page of each .pdf
  • Creative commons licence added to the rules (i.e. happy for people to hack the system)

"Possible" Heroes of Adventure Game Jam?

I am toying with the idea of running a game jam on Itch to celebrate the final release of the game and getting a handful of copies printed as potential prizes as a way of getting a few printed (and these can be signed) copies out in the public domain. 

If I get enough interest from people (say 10 positive responses by the end of October) then I will organise this to take place in the month of November. 

If you are interested in participating then add a note to the community forum post here so I can gauge if this will be worthwhile organising.

Thank you for following the development of my home-brew game system, I hope you find some use or inspiration for this at your gaming table.

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